9 ideas para trabajar la motricidad gruesa en la casa y en la escuela

9 ideas para trabajar la motricidad gruesa en la casa y en la escuela

Bean Bag Toss.  Construction paper and bean bags. Color matching and gross motor. Could also use different color baskets.  #kidcrafts #grossmotor:

Shape Toss, Hop, Skip and Jump from Learn ~ Play ~ Imagine:

Colour Run & Sort Game. Learning and gross motor skills are combined in one easy, fun activity...reinforces colour recognition for toddlers!:

A Multi-Tasking Activity  Gross motor skills and letter recognition. You can use the same idea for sight word recognition.:

simple activity for praxis, motor coordination, spatial awareness, postural stability:

ABC Ice Cream Gross Motor Game; match lower case and uppercase:

Puedes usar muchos recursos para trabajar la motricidad gruesa

Adorable Gross Motor and Sensory Idea – Sensory Car Wash - Re-pinned by @PediaStaff – Please Visit http://ht.ly/63sNt for all our pediatric therapy pins:

GROSS MOTOR SKILLS - Stretchy band shapes [I.B.EL.1a&b Moves with strength, control, balance, coordination, locomotion, and  endurance.]  - repinned by @PediaStaff – Please Visit  ht.ly/63sNt for all our ped therapy, school & special ed pins:

Shape Toss, Hop, Skip and Jump from Learn ~ Play ~ Imagine:

Aquí: Cofeeandsoupcrayons.com


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